Faculty of Agriculture


Welcome to the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Studies (FAGRI). The Faculty has four departments namely; Department of Environmental Science and Resources Development; the Department of Animal Science; the Department of Plant Science, and the Department of AGEC/AGBM & AGED. To ensure high quality training, education and research our Faculty is equipped with 80 staff comprising of 65 academic staff and 15 support staff. The Faculty has a strong academic staff with 23 members holding Ph.D from leading universities in the world and thus has capacity to develop the creative and entrepreneurial mindset needed by our students to innovate, master and lead in their disciplines at national, regional and global level. The mission of the Faculty is to improve food security and livelihoods in the community through use of sustainable good agricultural practices (GAPs), efficient resource utilization, and environment protection. The Faculty aims to achieve this mission by producing graduates with skills and competence through collaborative research and outreach activities with various stakeholders. The Faculty recognizes the fact that farming and resources utilization are based on science, technology and innovations (STIs) that rely heavily on the environment. FAES therefore offers courses relevant to the changing environmental needs. The Faculty aims to unlock the potential within our staff, students and communities through teaching, training and research by formation of strategic partnerships with stakeholders in agriculture, environment, food value-addtion, and hospitality industry both nationally and internationally. We recognize that private and public partnerships present diverse opportunities to expose our students using stimulating curriculum to quality teaching, training, research and community engagement for national and global development. Through research, technology and innovations (RTIs) the faculty members contribute to solution of national and global challenges facing agriculture, health and environment especially that of sustainably feeding the growing population that is estimated to reach about 9.7 billion by 2050.


Animal Science

Plant Science

Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management & Agricultural Education

Food Technology

If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.

Teaching in the Faculty

We provide a unique undergraduate and postgraduate educational experience with a focus on training, research, and outreach in areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Sciences, Wildlife, Environment and Natural Resources Management, Agribusiness Management, Tourism and Hospitality, Agricultural Education and Extension, Food Science and Technology. The Faculty strive to work with other stakeholders to build communities that maintains harmony with nature for sustainable natural resource utilization. Students are our “number-one priority” to promote academic excellence and professional development, and the Faculty members play a major mentorship role to help our students pursue their goals and dreams during their training. The Faculty members both academic and support endeavor to create an enabling teaching environment where students are encouraged to put more effort in their educational and social life to become responsible citizens with capacity of pursuing latest training and research to positively contribute to growth of humanity. The Faculty present students with opportunities to see why our university motto is “Knowledge is Wealth” as new knowledge is constantly developed through research and innovations in support of our efforts to solve the challenges of the changing world. Our students learn while working side-by-side with program mentors who constantly provide career guidance needed for timely and successful completion of studies. The Faculty is capable of providing a sound practical training through various facilities where students can learn through hands-on experiences and research laboratories with high precision equipment.


Contact Info


109 – 60400
Chuka, Kenya

020 231 0512/ 020 231 0518

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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To improve on its extension services the Faculty envisages the provision of the following in the future:

  • High quality breeding stock (dairy goats)
  • Waste recycling techniques
  • Short courses on recent technologies in livestock and crop production, environment and food value-addition for farmers 
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