Learned Friends

Faculty of Law



The Faculty of Law is located on second floor of the Students Recreation Centre, at the main campus. However, the University is in the process of constructing a Faculty of Law Complex. The Current staff include: One (1) Dean of the Faculty; One (1) Assistant Registrar; One (1) Clerical Officer; and lecturers.

It also has deployed library staff. These include; 1 Librarian in-charge of the Library and 1 senior Library Assistant.

In recruitments and promotions of staff, the Faculty takes cognizance of the stipulations of the Kenyan Constitution, 2010, and Commission for University Education Regulations in filling vacant positions. It abides by affirmative action measures that will ensure attainment of gender and vulnerable groups’ equity and equality.


Philosophy: Training in law for protection of humanity through imparting, upholding and practicing of sound law and order.

Vision: A Premier Faculty for the provision of quality legal education, training and research for sustainable national and global development.

Mission: To provide accessible legal education, training and research, generate, preserve, share knowledge and nurture an intellectual culture that integrates theory with practice and innovation for effective ethical leadership in the society.

Slogan: Inspiring Land and Environmental Sustainability for Better Life

Core Values: The Faculty of Law is guided by the following core values:

  1. Customer Value and Focus;
  2. Diversity and Social Fairness;
  3. Environmental Consciousness;
  4. Fidelity to the Law;
  5. Innovation;
  6. Integrity;
  7. Passion for Excellence;
  8. Peaceful Co-Existence;
  9. Professionalism and Confidentiality;
  10. (Prudent Utilization of Resources;
  11. Teamwork;
  12. Timeliness and Devotion to Duty.


The LL.B Programme is a four year Course that is structured in such a way that each course is equivalent to 3 credit hours, or three lecture hours per week.  In Year 1, 2 and 3, a semester is equivalent to 3 hours per week x 6 courses x 15 weeks in a semester = 270 lecture hours per semester. Year 4 semester 1 has 4 core courses and 1 elective course. Each of the courses has 3 CFs. The total year 4 semester 1 hours = 225 lecture hours. Year 4 semester 2 has 3 core courses, a dissertation, and 1 elective course. Each core course and the elective have 3 CFs. The dissertation has 4 CF. The total Year 4 semester 2 lecture hours = 180 lecture hours + 120 practical hours for dissertation.

Contact Info

Faculty Of Law

Chuka, Kenya

020 231 0512/ 020 231 0518

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

View Requirements


A. Library and Library Resources

  1. One Library with a sitting capacity of 60 persons
  2. One e-resource centre with a sitting capacity of 40 with 20 e-resource computers
  3. Text books to cater for all the LL.B Curriculum (5 copies each of the core texts and 2 each of the Reference materials to cater for the proposed number of 45 students).
  4. Chuka University is subscribed to EBSCO HOST and has Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOAL).
  5. Chuka University has subscribed to PRO-QUEST, Lexis Nexis and East Africa Law Reports

B. Moot Court
One (1) Moot Court has already been constructed with a Coat of Arms, a Bench, Bar, two Docks, and a Public sitting area with a capacity of 50 persons.


The following entry requirements are merely the minimum requirements and do not in any way entitle an applicant to a place in the university. Subject to the Commission for University Education (CUE), a candidate shall be registered into the Programme if he/she has:

  1. Passed the Kenya Certificate of secondary Education (KCSE) examination with a minimum grade of B+ (B plus) in English; or
  2. At least three principal Passes in the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education examination; or
  3. A degree from a recognized university; or
  4. A Distinction or Credit Pass in a Diploma in Law examination from an accredited institution; AND
  5. Meet additional or specific entry requirements as may be specified by the respective Department, Faculty, School, Institute, or professional regulatory bodies offering the Degree Programme.
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