Your Well Being

Academics should not be pursuit in isolation. We aim at developing the ‘whole’ student. We also recognize that each student has unique qualities and aptitudes and we should provide each one of them an opportunity to do their best and exploit them.

Dr Benjamin Kanga, Ph.D

Dean of Students

Message from the Dean of Students

Welcome to Chuka University Students Welfare Website. I would like to personally welcome you to Chuka University and to the Division of Students Welfare. A primary goal of the Office of the Dean of Students is to support and provide leadership to several offices and services that will impact your experience at Chuka University. The Assistant Dean of Students and I have the privilege to work in tandem with a team of professionals dedicated to supporting you. We strive to nurture and mould that unique, differentiating factor in each and every one of you by cultivating a healthy, safe and inclusive campus environment where you can maximize your potential while pursuing your educational goals. 

We are advocates for your learning by providing engaging learning experiences for you outside the classroom, and this includes students who may be experiencing crisis, need help in understanding university policies and procedures, need assistance navigating the university experience, or seek advice regarding avenues to resolve an issue.

We collaborate with other departments to bring a range of expertise to respond to individual student needs and challenges effectively. Challenges can include personal or interpersonal issues, family and financial problems, communication problems with faculty or staff on campus, or not knowing where else to go. Each student can expect to be listened to and receive appropriate guidance in working towards a resolution. 

We hope your respective involvements in the university’s more than clubs and associations, or numerous of student life activities we have organised and designed will allow you to become not just future leaders ready to take on the world, but compassionate human beings with a heart for others. I would encourage you to cultivate new friends, attend each other’s events, concerts, ball games and presentations throughout the year, while learning to appreciate the value of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints of your fellow students.

As you explore this website, you will find a myriad of programs, services and offices that will contribute to your success at Chuka University.

Please take the time to learn more about the various functions of the Office of the Dean of Students.


To develop, nurture and promote an enabling environment that supports and enhances both academic and other developmental processes of students.

To offer services and support for the general welfare of students. To design and implement programmes and activities that assist students to develop physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and leadership capabilities.

To liaise with University Departments and Faculties to ensure that each and every individual student achieves full potential and prepares for the challenges in life. To serve as an advocate for students by ensuring their interests are served in strategic aspects of University operations.

To develop a culture of co-existence by designing programmes that nurture and encourage a strong sense of community welfare among students, faculty and other staff members.

Parents Frequently Asked Questions

Who can I talk to if I have a concern about my student?

You can contact the Office of the Dean of Students for assistance at 0772894438.

I think my student is missing. I have not heard from them for a week. Who can I contact for help?

The Office of the Dean of Students at 0772894438 is able to follow up, connect with your student and see how we can help. We also work with relevant departments and the student leaders to locate your student.  

To whom should I report the death of a currently enrolled student?

The Office of the Dean of Students needs to be contacted immediately for the necessary departments to be notified. You may call 0772894438 or email us at

Contact Us For Help

We are opn on Monday – Friday at 8am and 5pm, except on holidays.

Our Contact Center

109 – 60400
Chuka Kenya

Phone : 0800211201
Email :

Students Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Dean of Students located?

Office of the Dean of Students is located on the first floor of the Students Recreation Center.

What should I do when I need to be away from the university?

If you have to be away from the university, a student must duly fill a *Leave of Absence Form* in quadruplicate and ensure it has been signed by all the signatories.


How do I qualify for HELB Loans?

HELB loan is issued to students pursuing Bachelor’s Degree programs only. It is given to both government and self-sponsored students. For more information on qualifications, visit

Where do I get my HELB/Bursary Form signed?

The forms are signed by officers in the Dean of Student office. Ensure your form is completely and correctly filled. Kindly note, blank forms shall not be signed.

How do I get involved in sports or club activities?

To join the sports team visit the university sports officer for more information. Their office is located at the university pavilion.

There are various clubs to join ranging in interests such as academic, religious, performing, sports, and everything in between. To see the full listing of student organizations, go to

What do I do if I’m concerned about another student?

We have many people who serve as resources to students in Chuka University. You may contact the ‘peer counsellors’ to assist counsel the student. If the case is an emergency you may contact the Dean of students Officers on any of the following toll free numbers. 0800211201 /2 /3

I am feeling homesick, depressed, anxious, nervous and upset or just someone to talk to. Where can I go?

You can get help by contacting the ‘peer counsellors’. The university also has trained professional counsellors who provide free counselling to students. They are located in the Students Recreation Center, first floor.

What should I do if I need an ambulance?

Call the university medical personnel (0772 894 430). You should also contact your student leader CUSA Resident/Non-resident representative.

Pius Mulei Kaloki

Male Resident


Petronila Kajuju

Female Resident


Derrick Ivusa

Male Non Resident Representative


Linnet Mawiya Mulyungi

Female Non Resident Representative



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