Capacity Building of Farmers for Climate Resilience, Enhanced Agricultural Productivity, and Natural Resources Management in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya

The project aim is to upscale the activities included in the demonstration farm at Kairini alongside the guidelines in policies and legal documents such as the Constitution of Kenya 2010, sustainable development goals (SDGs), Environmental Management and coordination Act (EMCA, CAP 387), Agriculture sector development strategy of 2010-2020 and National climate change action plan for Kenya among others. Overall Goal To develop climate-adaptive and resilient livelihood systems through the promotion of sustainable farming practices and interventions that can be easily and widely adopted, replicated and upscaled. Achieved Milestones The project has facilitated field experiment implementation, plot maintenance and data collection for two MSc. Students Facilitated a workshop that led to the development of three curricula (BSc. Crop Protection and Management, BSc. Landscaping and Ornamental Horticulture and MSc. Agroecology and Climate Change) Eight training manuals on CSA practices have been developed, reviewed and await upload on CGSpace Capacity building of 170 farmers i.e. 10 farmer groups have been trained on CSA practices in Igamba ng’ombe sub-County through on-farm and off-farm training Eight modules of Farmer training manuals were developed, tested in the field, revised printed and distributed to farmers.

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