The project will address key bottlenecks of African food value chains – low productivity, limited access to urban and international markets, affordability and convenience of products. It will tailor actions to develop novel solutions for agriculture, food manufacturing and use of residual biomass for packaging in a local context.

Objectives of the Project

InnoFoodAFrica supports development of resource-efficient, safe and sustainable agro-food value chains by empowering smallholder farmers, producers and consumers via co-creation process with African and European experts

InnoFoodAfrica focuses on country-specific adaptation and implementation of plant-based diets tackling malnutrition of small children breast-feeding mothers and adults under the risk of obesity.

InnoFoodAfrica focuses on increasing resource-efficiency of the African agro-food value chains by reducing loss and waste by improved post-harvesting and storage practices, and by creating value from side streams via bio-based packaging solutions for replacement of plastic.

InnoFoodAfrica supports establishment of a pan-African food R&D&I community via cooperation and creation of an open Innovation Platform to share innovations, maximize communication and facilitate technology transfer.


The double-sided fundamental challenge of our time is the survival with increasing population and decreasing agricultural production, because of the climate change, which is predicted to be the most severe in Africa. The very recent IPCC report on Climate Change and Land shares the same concern on land use-related climate change, sustainable food security, nutritionally balanced and diverse diets. Further, EAT Lancet commission’s report states that a rich plant-based diet with fewer animal sourced foods confers both improved health and environmental benefits.

The committed and generated excellence and targeted impact of InnoFoodAfrica are aimed to tackle the double-sided challenge. Solutions are created to establish diets and eating habits based on sustainably produced plant-based nutritious foods. InnoFoodAfrica deploys Afro-European co-creation power to start renewing the African food system with a focus on strengthening African plant-based food markets in Eastern and Southern Africa regions, and in Europe. “Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth” .

The project will address key bottlenecks of African food value chains – low productivity, limited access to urban and international markets, affordability and convenience of products. It will tailor actions to develop novel solutions for agriculture, food manufacturing and use of residual biomass for packaging in a local context.

Expected Impacts

  • New plant-based and healthy diets that on the short term are to become mainstream in 10 African cities
  • Significant reduction of malnutrition of small children
  • Smallholder farmers, especially women, empowered to act as active food chain operators in rural areas
  • New market opportunities for novel African food products
  • Solutions to convert food loss to packaging materials
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