Enhancing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (CoMeHePS) to address effects of COVID-19 among Primary and Secondary School Learners in Kenya BACKGROUND NRF recognizes the importance in supporting research undertaken by individual researcher’s/consortium teams in Kenyan Research Institutions. The (CoMeHePS) Consortium has successfully applied for an NRF Research Grant for 1 (one) year project cycle. The...Read More
Chuka University in collaboration with University of Saarland, Germany, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) and Karatina University, won a grant for Development of Entrepreneurial universities in Kenya.Read More
A proposal drafted by University staff was approved on 2ndFebruary, 2021 by the UNESCO Selection Committee for establishment of a UNESCO Chair on Conservation of Environment and Water for Sustainable Development (CEWSD) to be hosted by Chuka University.Read More
The project will address key bottlenecks of African food value chains – low productivity, limited access to urban and international markets, affordability and convenience of products. It will tailor actions to develop novel solutions for agriculture, food manufacturing and use of residual biomass for packaging in a local context.Read More